Sunday, June 3, 2012

It's been awhile since my last update on this blog. Been down for a bit but now recovering pretty well! :D is done! Took me almost 2 years to give up on this idea. Learn tons of stuff during the process and now another idea is currently in good progress.

There are a lot of reasons why doesn't work out. But the major major reason is because nobody freaking wants it. Again, seems like I'm in the 90% of the people who fail the start-up because of this reason. Concept testing is so important. It's a big big lesson learned. is currently being built based on rigorous concept testing. Most of the steps being carried out in building this business are being tested. So far, the product seems to be having some good responses!

Stage 1 launching is expected to happen in July/August. There are gonna be 2 months hard work again.